Came back after 2 years gone...

All I can say, is this game has gone down hill. Settlers, as an expansion was pretty awesome, the game itself feels terrible. I quit after Harvest since they murdered crafting, and I can see not much has changed.

All end game gear still relies on pulling the RNG lever, and praying you get something not terrible. Like what build wants stun and block? It is just a garbage mod thrown in to make odds worse, it is like why even have it? But this just showcases the terrible design that is crafting. Harvest ruined me I suppose. I could play a day and feel like I made progress. I played today, went through my entire savings trying to annul off either 2 of 3 mods and keep hitting my Prefix can not be changed. SIX TIMES IN A ROW I hit it. SIX TIMES. Where is the fun in that? How is that supposed to be enjoyable?

Tried to do a T17 Map [removed by support]. It had to be the most unfun I have ever had in PoE. So I dipped my feet into the one Valdo map I found. Holy hell, I thought T17 was god awful, Valdo is worse. What part of my wants to take off a piece of gear, run at 50% speed and have movement skills disabled with the feared beaming down hall ways off screening me with no chance to move in toxic sewers on a map that can't be re-rolled. This game design is absolute trash, I have a hard time believing someone who actually plays the game for fun said, "Yep, this is great!".

I am quitting again, hopefully PoE 2.0 can get it right, because this end game just feels terrible. Nothing about this is fun or engaging.
Last edited by Taylor_GGG on Aug 18, 2024, 11:22:40 PM
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 12:16:48 PM
Of course you quit cuz u can't get easy gear anymore lmao
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Nulledout wrote:
Like what build wants stun and block?

Boneshatter requires stun.

Nulledout wrote:
Harvest ruined me I suppose.

I played necropolis, the ability print 6x t1 mod rares... it's hard going back

Nulledout wrote:
What part of my wants to take off a piece of gear, run at 50% speed and have movement skills disabled with the feared beaming down hall ways off screening me with no chance to move in toxic sewers on a map that can't be re-rolled.
You've missed years of power creep and the myriad of ways to deal with these things.

Nulledout wrote:
I am quitting again, hopefully PoE 2.0 can get it right, because this end game just feels terrible. Nothing about this is fun or engaging.
back to diablo 4 then?
Jixa87 wrote:
Boneshatter requires stun.

Yes, but not stun and block recovery. Maybe Monster Stun and Block Recovery, but not for you. Max Block builds, maybe, but I doubt they want to give up a mod for that.

Jixa87 wrote:

I played necropolis, the ability print 6x t1 mod rares... it's hard going back

I wouldn't know about these things, but Harvest wasn't about printing T1s it was about incremental progression for me. Every day I could farm and my gear could get just a bit better, and I could work towards getting a perfect setup with out the worry of bricking my item.

Jixa87 wrote:
You've missed years of power creep and the myriad of ways to deal with these things.

This is what it seems, although locking out certain builds because power creep of other builds seems like bad game design.

Jixa87 wrote:
back to diablo 4 then?
Since you are asking, I will probably just go back to going to sleep earlier so I can spend more time with my son in the mornings. I am a Dad gamer, and when I play it costs me sleep, or early hours of my day. I have more or less stopped playing games because of this, but I wanted to give PoE another go, so I dusted off my old sleep schedule and gave it a whirl.

Coconutdoggy wrote:
Of course you quit cuz u can't get easy gear anymore lmao

Look at my gear, do you think it was easy to get? Took me playing at night, and abusing the trade site during the day while I am at work to afford all this gear.
Last edited by Nulledout on Aug 19, 2024, 8:49:22 AM
Nulledout wrote:

I am quitting again, hopefully PoE 2.0 can get it right, because this end game just feels terrible. Nothing about this is fun or engaging.

I don’t expect poe2 will have an item editor (harvest), but see ya!
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
you should try coming back some more; last league had power crafting similar to harvest and pretty deterministic (not absolutely, but pretty high up there);
and the items available this league show that they're adding more ways to cause items to get high rolls more readily.

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