Lost Shipments

GG, players really don't enjoy when they are robbed of their efforts.

The mechanics around Shipments being lost is an awful one and feels unnecessarily punishing.

"The king taxed three quarters of your shipment"
"The crew ate all your crops"
"Pirates took half your shipment"
"A mysterious green light surrounded your ship, everything is gone"

These are happening just far too frequently and don't make want to play the league mechanic.

Perhaps someone thought that this would make the simulator feel more realistic and add some variability, but negative impacts make players feel disengaged and that the system is rigged against them (which it is, but don't rub it in my face).

Where's the balance here? Where's the just as common "Your sailor's negotiated an even better trade", "You fought off pirates and stole their booty instead", et al?

Did someone kick the Dev's puppy during the design of the mechanic and they decided to go all John Wick on the mechanics? Can you not let us just have fun for a change?
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 10:02:55 PM
This stuff doesnt really happen once you upgrade everything.
Yeah it's lame you can't defend / fight when people are "outside town" demanding it and your character is being a cuk hiding inside not helping or killing things.

Lots of people in all the random general chats I've been in are talking about lack of pirate boss fights some people haven't seen him at all and are max level for weeks. Maybe you could add some viariation fights to challenge the ransoms and make the boss appear a bit more? I've killed him 4 times? But by the time I met him for the first time my guy was strong enough to afk kill him with 1 or 2 shots per stage.

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