Hello everyone I would like to complain about something

So I have been playing for a while now and the REAL and CONSTANT problem i face every run every characters is the LAGS and the disconnection through out the game. it's not like occurring every 3 seconds but every now and then it happens I have complained about this BS for years and many years later still the problems ! the server sucks and I just got disconnected in the lab AGAIN with TONS of loots LOST ! AGAIN ! WTH is with the F-ing server ? this takes funs off the game for me man. seriously just the Mid of enemy hordes and the lag happens and when you know it you just lost your HC Character and 500 hours of gameplay down the drain WTF!!!??? the game is great BUT THE SERVER SUCKS so new players beware ! you WILL get disconnected and lost your hardcore characters and you will die at a random lag spikes which occurs through out the game, some area like labyrinth dungeons DOES NOT let you finish when you logged out or get disconnected so you have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN and you gonna lost tons of loots and HOURS OF PROGRESS down the sewer ! WHEN THE F ARE YOU GONNA FIX THE BS HUHUHHHHHH!!!!!!?????

I cant even farm the lab anymore cause of the BS ! I just when straight to beheading Izaro becuz when I try to farm the lag eventually happens and the disconnection happens then you cant finish the lab and YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN ! HOURS OF PROGRESS LOST like WTF how is this happening constantly
the last time i did lab i finished Izaro and WHILE I AM USING the divine altar thingy to enhance my gems as a reward for finishing izaro THE GAME FUKING DISCONNECTED RIGHT THERE !!??? WTF I DIDNT EVEN GET MY LOOT MY GEM ENHANCEMENT MY TREASURES AND TONS OF LOOTS LOST RIGHT THERE !! SO I JUST DID THE UBER LAB FOR FREE?? HOURS WASTED WTF
FIX THIS BS !!!! MAKE THE LAB RUN BACK DOOR OR SOMETHING allow the player who got disconnected BY THIS F-ING BS be able to get the F back in because it's not their fault the game disconnected WTF
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 11:39:02 AM

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