Divination scarab of plenty

Since Tuesday as the new patch released i thought, maybe its a good idea to try to farm an apothecary with this changed scarabs.
Today i have to say that it doesnt feel worth to pick these scarabs.
Im running a ritual strategy with a few other things and i use 3 plenty scarabs, 1 selective ritual scarab and 1 lineage scarab. I switched the div cards from defiled cathedral to underground sea and farm them constantly. Maybe 80-100 maps a day. At the end its not really worth, didnt find a apothecary yet and it feels like im wasting 3 map slots in the map device.
But maybe i only have bad luck.

One thing i want to note is that the mobs from the magic monsters that spawn, after they get killed, do a lot of burst damage. The chaos spheres they shot are not that bad, but the shrapnels they fire... the damage can be really HUGE.
A few times i died to the shrapnels, because i wasnt carefully enough and many times i died nearly to it. Its hard when you open a ritual and a few of them are still there.
It doesnt feel good to use these scarabs some kind of. First, you have not that good dropchance of div cards and second the mobs are really really scary sometimes.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 9:49:56 AM
Problem is it is not just apothecary. It feels like no div cards are dropping naturally from killing mobs, even the worst ones, unless you pick some div cards mod on eldritch altars. So they created league mechanic which should be all about div cards farming in shape of scrying. And probably out of fear that people will farm div cards easily they must have lowered natural drop rates heavily, close to zero. It 100% feels that way to me. Which is ofc nonsense as having the same drop rates as usual would be just perfect with change that you could actually run map you want.

I bet it has something to do with people getting lots of div cards at the beginning and making crazy numbers of divs out of not well thought through mechanic. So imo what happened is that ggg because they are unable to create mechanic working as intended and not to give surprising results to them they just made sure that cards will not be dropping at all so such a situation of people farming unhealthy numbers will not repeat.

This game should be about farming stuff by killing monsters, shouldn't it? Well, feels like div cards are not dropping and base drop rate of everything is nerfed to oblivion as it again feels to me. Like i was having problems just to sustain vaal orbs needed for corrupting maps while running juiced t16s - such a stuff did not happen to me yet. Now we are playing some version of bad mobile game put into poe instead of getting rewarded for actually playing game in terms of sending "ships" out with 5 x 500 crops all day long.

Regarding div cards farming with div scarabs bunch of people are talking about it on reddit and were under impression it is bugged. Including me. I have also posted in bug report. But now I am almost certain it is intended as if it was bugged we would have some info on it already.
Brothers gift used to drop more often for sure. I remember cemetery it would drop every now and then without trying. For me this league only one brothers gift. Took the spot from the doctor in Burial Chamber and feels like also the droprate ;P
I just saw empyriangaming video on YT, where he is running strongboxes for divcards farming which he is doubling with eldritch altars + atlas passives (strongbox) and all doubling again at boss. And yeah, when you hit right cards you win jackpot.

So this is the reason we don't see div cards drop naturally? And is this how people got 100s of divs at league start? I don't know as I started playing week late and then just noticed that some "exploit like" drama happened with div cards.

Pls GGG, stop creating idiotic mechanics which rewards 1% of players while at the same time hurting 99% of the rest. This is exactly such a case. People who run this strat might be happy, which would be fine if due to nerfed base drop chance (plus also much less useful cards assigned to map then normally) wasn't punished everyone else who doesn't do it in a way of not getting div cards dropped while just mapping compared to normal state.

You should have just get rid of scarab of pilfering as soon as first problems appeared, leave div cards drop rates and their assignment as they usually are and still let people scry the maps. Actually, you should have just leave div scarabs alone without touching them (maybe just remove curation) as your changes to them are just plain stupid. Scrying itself is good as idea and if you didn't touch anything else, just let people scry maps so they can farm cards they want in maps they like, all would be good. It could have been nice feature of league. Instead you screwed almost everybody and made happy very few who are running this monstrosity of mechanic you created.
There are numerous topics in bugs about this scarab. It might be that after GGG changed how it works, it got bugged or something. A lot of people have told not only here but there was also a reddit post where people with this scarab have actually gotten 0 cards throughout the whole map(s). Which supposedly is a bug then?

Or maybe there is some hidden line on the scarab which disables card drops or nukes drop rate to the ground from other sources.

In any case, something isn't right here. I ran like 12 maps a few days ago with this scarab... I was very surprised that with it inserted, card drops felt worse, because I basically got close to none.
Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...

New mute system is another hot garbage.
Last edited by y3lw0rC on Aug 19, 2024, 9:58:33 AM

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