This game needs an itemized seer

Title says it all pretty much but to elaborate:

It is so soul crushing when you farm Resident Maps for several days straight, getting those Reflection Jewelery events constantly but not a single Seer.
Having a Seer is so elemental to a lot of farming strats but there is no way around it to get one than just trying your luck over and over again.

So before I can even try out the farming start that I have in mind, I have to get this random event, that I cant force or influence past getting Shrines (or maybe quant if that is true).

I think a lot of people get tired of the game quickly if they wont manage to get their farming strat setup going and having an itemized Seer (like an Orb that he drops when you find him) would solve this issue.
GGG, hire me!

C++ developer with DirectX/Vulkan API knowledge.
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 5:41:18 AM

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