Give "Ngamahu, Flame's Advance" A Massive Radius

Either make it massive radius or let it apply to cluster jewels please. Its such a cool ascendancy feature that never gets used because there isnt a really good place on the tree for it.
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 12:56:49 AM
Either make it massive radius or let it apply to cluster jewels please. Its such a cool ascendancy feature that never gets used because there isnt a really good place on the tree for it.

the keystone is great for Brutus' Lead Sprinkler because of overlapping shenanigans but other than that is mediocre at best.

first problem is the way it convert damage. it has to convert all damage types to fire not just phys/elemental damage. this means:

physical / chaos damage over time multiplier to fire damage over time multiplier
projectile / spell damage into fire damage

second problem is that the +3 str to nodes in its area is boring and overall not much of an improvement compare to % str, some mods that could replace it:

*Non-Unique Jewels gain 1% increased radius every "x" str

*grants 2% increased str for each Non-Unique Jewel in the passive tree

*while avatar of fire keystone is alocated 1% of chaos and physical damage Converted to Fire Damage every "x" str

*Non-Unique Jewels cause Small and Notable Passive Skills in a Large Radius to
gain Added fire Damage.

self found league fan

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