Voidstone Uber Elder is garbage compared to every other progression fight

Basically the title. What a godawful unfun fight, RNG on RNG with degens all over and 99% of deaths to something you straight up couldn't see. Yeah, sure, you can netdeck a build that instaphases the fight (and hopefully not end up waiting forever while the AI figures out how to change phases) but that's not really the point. It's just not fun, it's a chore.

Why is Sirus not the third voidstone boss? He's got way better theming, much more interesting mechanics, doesn't feel nearly as cheap when you die most of the time, and most importantly he's fun. You could even jack his damage up a bit and he'd still be very fun because you can manually dodge most of his attacks.

I know the game is sort of going on life support since PoE2 is coming soonish, but please, for god's sake GGG, if you're going to force people to play a fight make them play one of the good ones. Put Shaper and Elder out to pasture already.
Last bumped on Aug 17, 2024, 4:03:26 PM
you want sirus instead of uber elder? no just no. sirus is probably the worst boss fight in the game
Your build is the issue.

Not the boss.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Your build is the issue.

Not the boss.

Buddy I've beaten it, the issue is not that it's hard, it's that it not fun. Sirus is actually fun because the stuff that kills you is properly visible and avoidable, not a slightly-darker-grey cold dot that deletes you in 1 second flat unless you're playing something unkillable.

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
you want sirus instead of uber elder? no just no. sirus is probably the worst boss fight in the game

I genuinely don't know how you can have this opinion if we're not talking about Uber bosses. I can't even respond beyond that because I can't conceive of how you could think this.
''Not fun'' cause you can't phase it fast lmao I'm a fucking tank build and it dies in 2 seconds.

Of course it's not fun when your build can't do it properly.

So yes

Build issue.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy wrote:
''Not fun'' cause you can't phase it fast lmao I'm a fucking tank build and it dies in 2 seconds.

Of course it's not fun when your build can't do it properly.

So yes

Build issue.

If you think beating something "properly" is instakilling it there's basically no point talking to you. Of course any boss is easy if you use whatever the latest cheese is. That's clearly not the intended experience.
cheese? hahahaha he thinks my build is cheese.

No a proper thing is


Apparently none of your chars have that since your dying to uber elder an outdated fight btw.

decent char = cheese btw
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 16, 2024, 10:55:22 PM
The degens are from either not killing squids when they spawn or hitting the balls, there is no rng degen in this fight.

When i was a lot worse at the game, what helped me with uber elder is for the most part you are always either running side so side with respect to shaper or running around him if you lose sight of him always try to move laterally to where you think he is. focus squids asap always. and if you drop the balls in the right place they wont even put degens on the floor. the points of the map that form the tips of the rounded triangles. It also helps to be able to tank the elder circles so you dont have to dodge shaper balls/beam in the small space in the middle.

This is actually a lot better fight than sirus. last phase sirus is incredibly painful with crap gear if youre melee especially
There is literally zero RNG in this fight.

You need to learn the mechanics if you don't understand why something is happening.
I've killed it on the first try remembering mechanics a little bit (from delve!). I'm a fun build with slams. Slow on bosses, just big aoe which is fun on maps.

Waiting time for attacks (which wasnt here when i was playing last time) is making bossing terrible and im also terrible at avoiding stuff...

My movement skill is leap slam so it isnt helpful either ;)

Just practice!

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