Static life bar over buffs.

I was testing a build and the static life bar it blocks my view of the buffs. Any way to move or disable it?
Last bumped on Aug 16, 2024, 9:41:15 AM
No, this has been embarrassing ui design that we've been stuck with for years and there really isn't any excuse for it. There are other hud elements that will push the buffs down ironically, like if you are in an abyss and the timer is at the top of the screen, but for whatever reason ggg refuses to apply that treatment to the boss bars. They could also add a way for the buffs to wrap before hitting the life bar. I play with the ultrawide setting enabled and it actually moves the buffs closer to the middle of the screen, as if pushing my blood rage behind the boss bar is helping me
Last edited by Chaos_Elixir on Aug 16, 2024, 7:55:33 AM
The UI design for EverQuest 1999 still puts most games of today to shame.

All windows, buffs, target, debuffs on target, your life/mana can be changed on the fly. Icon sizes, skins for mouse cursors, windows and spell book. Best part is even though it was never designed or tested past 1024x768 it can easily display 21:9 or 31:9 and into 8k resolution.

I used to make custom UI elements for that game and GGG tries to sell stuff like that.

That new Boss bar has horrible delay too. It can show up a full 2s after immune period.
Can't be trusted at all.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac

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