Valdos Boxes feel sad now

Hey I'm usually not a guy who complains about game design. But I'm kinda really disappointed about the valdo boxes currently. In the stream Mark said it would be more exciting if we can open more boxes with a rarer chance for good maps, but my experience has rather been "let's just get the next unrunable trash".

So far I found about 60 valdo boxes this league and opened them all. around 90% of them have been maps with mods you need a specific tanky valdo map farmer to pull out a shiny t5 unique with the risk of voiding it. the other 10% have mostly been maps that are runable for a usual build, but just not worth it. The only thing that was worth running was a map with Ralakesh boots.

Imo that much useless clutter makes it kinda disappointing. Sure the maps are made by supporter and you can't change them now, but getting all variation of deaths vault that are only useful to show your char name going to the void is really boring.

I'm not even about big profit, I just want to do interessting maps for shiny uniques. Last league when i got like 20 boxes over half of them have been runable. now the majority of them are just useless stash clutter nobody would ever seriously run.
Last bumped on Aug 16, 2024, 4:42:15 AM

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