Trading in shards with currency exchange

I am very happy with how the in-game currency exchange works, except for when I am trying to sell something like harbinger orbs. This is currently around 5.8div each, which is a very fair price in itself, but unless I have 5 orbs to sell, I could only list it at 6d each which will basically never sell.

I am proposing the following changes:

(1) Add divine shards to the game with stack size of 20
(2) In exchange, allow input of fractional values (up to multiples of 0.05) if that side is a currency with shards, and match orders with shards. Accordingly, shards themselves no longer appear as valid option in exchange.
(3) Add some way to break a currency down to 20 shards outside exchange. I'm not sure what's the best approach for this part, however.

Happy to hear alternative proposals and critiques of this plan.
Last bumped on Aug 16, 2024, 12:35:20 AM

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