Treant Tendrilmasters hit unreasonably hard

With Wildwood enemies being attached to every Ritual, the Tendrilmasters hit for far too much damage. I can be in a map with no damage mods, without the ritual active, and those green orbs of theirs annihilate me. In comparison, I can stand still against The Infinite Hunger, The King in the Mists, the Pirate Admiral boss from this league, and never die. A few Tendrilmaster orbs? Bam, dead, back to hideout. Something has to be off on the damage values of these for it to be consistently the thing that kills me, when almost nothing else in a map can.
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2024, 9:43:56 PM
I agree. Treant Tendrilmaster of Bloodletting, the heat seeking bombs are inevitable death.
they're pretty garbage as a spectre btw but it is very amusing to watch the orbs fly around and not try to attack YOU.

its a very neat modification that was made to them but this many volatiles is too much, they need to deal less damage or not stun so hard so people aren't locked on top of a mountain of them as soon as one goes off.
Innocence forgives you

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