Increasing the pick-up range: bad idea? How/Who does it help?

There is something that I have noticed this league that really irks me....the constant amount of garbage littering my inventory that I never meant to pick up. And I'm running a fairly strict filter.

Now this amount of garbage is noticeably and tangibly different than previous leagues. I haven't changed my playstyle, nor my what's different now? We have gone through numerous passes of reduction in total loot dropping, so its certainly not just that there are more items on the ground.

Oh yes....its the "QoL" that GGG gave us: increased pickup range.
Now here's my question to them and their...designs.

What problem is this intended to fix, and did anyone bother to think about the consequences or "better" solutions?

Short of those rare instances where a piece of loot is right next to you, but down a hill, have people really had an issue with the DISTANCE of the drops? And how often does loot get "trapped" like that? Are people saving huge amounts of time because we have a slightly larger pickup radius? Or is there some other problem trying to be solved here?

I'm pretty sure every single PoE player knows the actual issue with "loot": there is too much of it, and its mostly all garbage. Plus, there are just too many shards/splinters/currency/blah blah blah that require an insane amount of clicking. How does increasing the click distance help with this issue? Oh that's doesn't. In fact it makes it WORSE.

Now, on top of the normal issues with loot we are forced to deal with the NEW issue of it being far easier to misclick unwanted loot. Which then ofc requires us to go back into our inventory and get rid of it, which of course takes time. Oh wait...what was the possible benefit of an increased pickup range? Less time looting? Well throw that one out the window.

It is pretty much impossible to create a loot filter that ONLY shows desirable pickups, unless you are at the supreme endgame. Why can't we fix the REAL PROBLEMS, instead of wasting time fixing non-issues in the name of "QoL"? Which ultimately end up leading to more issues more often than not.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 15, 2024, 5:50:28 PM
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 10:35:44 PM
Gold. The reason why pick-up range was added is gold. It has nothing to do with actual loot.
^except that gold is picked up automatically. So its even less necessary if that was the intent.

They could have easily done what they do with expedition artifacts and, you know, automatically store the gold when you kill the monster or open the chest.
Except gold has a pick-up range as it is a physical item on the ground. This is because the amount scales with item quantity and item rarity by converting trash equipment as players have tested in the first week of this league. This is quite noticable in high-juice content as you can now press [alt] without crashing.
Scarletsword wrote:
Except gold has a pick-up range as it is a physical item on the ground. This is because the amount scales with item quantity and item rarity by converting trash equipment as players have tested in the first week of this league. This is quite noticable in high-juice content as you can now press [alt] without crashing.

The point here is that it never needed to be. And even still.....a BETTER solution would have been to vacuum the gold up at least in larger piles so that each pack of monsters drops maybe 1 pile of gold, not 20 all over the place. They have models everywhere: incursion, ultimatum, breach, expedition, just to name a few. They already have the solution!

You are actually illustrating my point even better at this point. They manufacture a problem through poor planning, and sell QoL to deal with the problem....while introducing a host of other issues along the way.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 15, 2024, 8:09:23 PM
who does it help? a lot of people actually.

i welcome the change as i dont need to run up to everything i want to pick up.

truthfully the issue of picking up things by mistake happens to everyone.

even before the change was made i picked up a lot of shit i didnt want off the ground.

but as usual i would say that you have a valid complaint.

some people like it some people dont.

the best solution is allow players to choose. make a slider in the options so that players can decide themselves.
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It helped a lot. Like a lot a lot. It kind of took a little bit to get used to after years of point blank range. Just wish they had the same range for clicking boxes and chests etc.

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