League review

this is a personal take of the league from my perspective.

with the nerf to defense it was quite hard to get tanky enough to do the end game part. Were you normally could reach the point where you can change affixes for damage, now fully needed to have t2,1 on a lot of my gear.
And because those are more rarely it more likely you need it to get it from trade.

were in the past i could go with a t3 affix and archief my goals. now i needed to sell the item. and hope for a high currency item so i can trade what i need.

hereby the experience was not really enjoyable for me personally.
It more felt like farming chaos orbs and hold trade open for pings to upgrade.
This is how i would describe work. Especially with the new league mechanic where time has also become a factor.

i personally have 1 achievement to go uber elder, but actually don't feel like doing at all.

Can see for the full-on balls to the wall players this is a great league.
but from a casual player i don't feel like that.
This is a personal take and thereby saying this is not a standpoint from all casual players. probable a lot of casual players did enjoy it a lot more then i did.

Hope to see the next league even be better although this league being a S tier will be quitte hard. But I trust ggg can do it.
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 12:36:45 PM

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