Can we PLEASE have reforge keep prefixes/suffixes back in some way shape or form?

Crafting weapons is an absolute pain beyond imagination. The biggest, most excrutiatingly painful change was the removal of reforge keep prefixes/suffixes. It unreasonably multiplied crafting cost for gear other than eldritch influenced to the moon and beyond. Spending 20 times more than you had to when reforge keep existed, just so you don't brick your item is neither fun nor good game design.

It sucks and honestly makes my blood boil.

Why do we get reforge keep in the form of orbs only for chest, helm, gloves and boots, and only for eldritch influenced at that? Crafting such gear is a walk in the park, with no way to brick it whatsoever. On weapons you spend insane amounts of currency just to make sure it doesn't fill prefixes or suffixes, and then one simple misclick is enough to destroy the entire item.

I just spend 70 divines getting perfect prefixes, only to accidentally scour it because when I clicked to craft prefixes cannot be changed, it didn't craft it and I didn't notice. It makes me want to quit the league, I really, really, REALLY hate that change. And I simply cannot understand why it was even removed.

I understand it may no longer have a place in harvest, but what reason could there possibly be to give some gear reforge keep but not all? Even normal influenced items are so insanely outrageous to craft that pretty much nobody even uses those anymore.

Please, I implore you, PLEASE give us back a way to deterministically save an item.

ed: in case I made that impression of crying about my currency, I don't even care about the currency I lost. It just pains my heart to see what we are forced to do in order to craft gear other than eldritch influenced. It's simply not fun whatsoever.
Last edited by KönigLeonidas on Aug 15, 2024, 8:45:24 AM
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 9:55:32 AM
Crafting has always been a high-stakes gambling minigame exclusive to the rich. This is all par for the course, lest we forget what GGG has done to the best and most accessible crafting league they ever introduced: Harvest.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.

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