Are you guys joking with this mod? You encourage people to use flasks, then have a flasks that entire builds are made around to keep chaos dmg from bypassing ES, and then add a mod that completely removes that an auto kills you? What a joke.
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 8:20:55 AM
Yeah, same. I got insta killed on my pathfinder today. First time I played this class and it's the last time by the looks of it. Sorry, but completely disabling all my defenses that are the theme of my character by some random mob is completely stupid.
I know other mobs can penetrate ele res, armor, phys reduction or regen. But for pathfinder, disabling flasks does it all at once.
I really hope that the design is not that I should read the name of the ghost possessing each rare monster, especially since in the time it takes to read this, this monster is most likely already shooting a projectile at me that is going to instakill me.

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