3.25.1 Broke Harbingers

Harbingers no longer drop fracturing shards I don't see how this has slipped through the cracks
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 3:16:30 AM
Bug or feature based on all the other loot nerfs?

Did you even run them to check?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 14, 2024, 7:56:58 PM
Didn’t play much yesterday but got 8 shards in one map, so seems to work fine
I got 3 yday on some kirac's memory mission so they definately drop.

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