Empty keybinds?

Maybe I am just wrong here, but with really looking for answer, I did not find any good solutions from either Reddit or forums...

Why is the game forcing me to have keybinds I do not want?

I mean, I never ran into this before, so yea, ok, I can see it is quite niche situation, but I happen to have my current mouses scroll broken... In PoE, it constantly zooms in, when I am engaging enemies and that is just really horrible with no control over it...

I try change my zoom keybind to empty, found out, it seems u are not able to make empty keybinds in PoE. So, I was fine with that, as I read in some post, that u can bind it to something else on the other side of your keyboard... So I did, to 2x small dots far on the right side nxt to enter...

Well, I see then, that even with my zoom binded to those 2x dot buttons, my scroll is still zooming, even with totally other keybind places.

So then I figured, that if I bind my scroll to something totally else far away, maybe that would prevent it from being defaulted over my actual bind...

Well, no, it turns out, that u cannot bind scroll to anything else, so even with something else bound to the zoom, the scrolls default zoom is ALWAYS active...

I do now must honestly ask for some logic for this? Overall PoE is so great game, because it does not feel like stupid forcing of whatever unnecessary stuff, that so many other game designing companies do so, that it seems 100% they are just not thinking it trought and just go for "meh, who cares if it is forcing ppl to stupid stuff, we wont use time to fix this".

Why u choose to leave something like this like it is? I am really surprised, if nobody ever mention about it anywhere so you could know?

You really saying that u expect, that I go to my windows setting to dig up the option to disable my mouse scroll totally every time I log into PoE? Are you kidding?
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 4:00:42 PM
So I did found after now, (with employing my friend to look for it also), that u made into UI tab an selection to disable mouse zoom. Sure, nice, good, but why is it there, when ppl would look for that the traditional way of just unbinding zoom, as u have binds in ur game settings?

Could there atleast be 1 of those info circles nxt to it, telling, that if u want to disable it completely, u can find that in other setting tab? :P

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