Why kill simulacrum?

Simulacrum drops now resumes in Screaming essences, Incubators and Abyss jewels.

Why this tough content returns so bad loot?
Halving the wave number should'nt affect the loot this much, at least that was the goal, right?

When it will be fixed?
Last bumped on Aug 28, 2024, 8:07:46 AM
Bad rng for you doesn’t mean the feature is ‘killed’

Runs a few and loot has been (for the most part) excellent
I did'nt made a forum post after running 5 simulacrums.

There are a lot of videos proving what i'm saying btw
Well people did ask for less waves and it was pretty obvious that the rewards are going to be slightly changed because of that or did you really expect to get the same rewards as before with the benefit of not having to deal with the first waves?

The loot is still in a very profitable range for the low effort and preparation needed, however GGG allowing players to afk run sim on a multi account does have a big impact on the price of the sim specific items as they would be more expensive without afk builds being possible or multi boxing to begin with.

The only change sim actually needs is a adjustment in difficulty as it's just too easy with the current player power level since leagues.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 27, 2024, 10:43:29 PM
Very good analysis!

You're right about the impact on items prices, but still, i don't think it is an easy preparation. Yes, it's 1 item in map device, but for me, that's the main reason i play it, i hate spending 1 hour out of 2 i have to play just to set maps up, they solved the resources problem with the AH, now they need to look for economy destroyers, those SG b0ts in 5ways and as you said, looks like they got into simulacrum, it needs to end.
Farming sim uniques in ssf has never been better imo. ive found 2 voices 3 and almost 1-2 of every split personality.

Not every mechanic has to be about divines/hr

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