Affliction/Viridian Wildwood, is completely useless and even detrimental currently

After seeing that the new patch preview had no changes to t16/t17 affliction I felt a post needed to be made talking about how useless this mechanic has been. Compared to the sentinels that were also reintroduced in this patch the buffs that affliction gives to monster difficulty is so unbelievable that most people i know simply ignore the wildwood altogether when it appears on a map since it often would brick their maps if they used it. Which I was honestly fine with at first since affliction was always a difficult mechanic, and I figured that when my character became strong enough to handle the difficulty it would be a great way to push my character and juice map content.

However, now that my character has the ability to more comfortably run heavily juiced content I still don't find myself entering the wildwood, not because of difficulty but because the mechanic gives a nearly unnoticeable, if any buff to drops. Thus running affliction feels like just a challenge mode with no rewards. It legitimately feels bugged.

Without good endgame juicing strategies like affliction being viable I find little reason to continue and push the strength of my character. T17 strongboxes isn't exactly the most difficult strategy we've seen in this game, and I even find it hard to even want to try that when I can just run sanctum and get unbelievably over tuned rewards from a 15c tome. Which is kinda lame.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 4:27:29 PM
Yea I havent even touched it either after a few times. Even got like 6k juice...

It seems to just make things harder and not really provide anything substantial from what I can see. Maybe other people have better luck?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
It feels very weak reward vs. effort/risk/time-wise from a top-end juice perspective.

I managed to get 4.5k yellow and 4.5k blue on a 350%quant, 400%currency, 120%packsize, 60% deli T17 (testing 5x risk scarab) and I could not tell the difference compared to my sample-size of 100 maps. At best it felt like a weak RNG spike.

It certainly did not feel like a jackpot map which sort of should with that amount of juice, a 5% (?) chance to spawn the wildwood and potentially not even having the chance to get a proper amount of wisps from it. You'd maybe get a good setup 1-2 times out of 100 maps.

I'd say completely ignore wildwoods in T16s and ignore them in T17s if you're not running a setup for global loot(bloodlines, nemeses, pandemonium/exiles or risk) or if it could brick your map.

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