Gold fees in AH are very inconsistent

Sometimes they aren't even noticeable, but other times they are very heavy.

Tried to buy 1500 fusings for chaos on AH and saw the gold fee for that. Opted out and used good old trade website instead.

Div:C exchange is cheap on the other hand. Or buying lifeforce etc.

I think these costs would be fine if gold was ONLY used as a tax currency for the AH. But we have Kingsmarch league that is guzzling up a whole lot of gold on its own.
Last bumped on Aug 13, 2024, 6:46:45 PM
You pay gold equal to what you are getting, regardless of what you pay to get it. So if chromatics cost 50 gold each and you want 1000 of them, you're going to pay 50k gold no matter what currency you are trading for them.
It should be varied based on what you are trading for. Items like orb of fusing and lifeforce should scale less than other items. The problem iis worse when you have to split between gold for your town and for trading for goods
its only good for small trades, large amount like 1500 fuse is insane gold cost.
Since lower tier items build gold cost alot faster cause you need sheer numbers of them to get the most out of them.

Like I get why this is, its to prevent fast market rigging by a hand full of people, since its easy to get lower teir items such as fuses.

It helps control the market in this case. Like i get it, it does suck.
What they need to do is add a tab for bundle stocks like selling larger amounts so people can buy those.

So add like 500 stack an 1500 with its own set gold cost.
so its not as punishing on players trying to trade larger costs.

Like a bundle cost could have a set price of 10k gold. thats my thoughts for this, vs the 60-65k for 1500fuses.

But as i said I get why its currently like this.

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