lost entire ship crew because accidentally clicked portal

title says it all. i am so mad right now. lost a skilled crew because i accidentally clicked the portal. this needs to be changed. either remove the portal until the boss is dead or make it so you can exit it unless the fight has started. i dont even want to play anymore. not only did i lose a skilled crew but i missed out on the 50k gold.
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2024, 11:47:41 AM
1000% agree, same thing happened to me, accidental click and portal gone, can't ransom no more either, but loosing crew cause of a crash I would've guessed would be even more infuriating.

the portal should still be there until the fight starts (LIKE ALL OTHER BOSSES IN THE GAME, duh)
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
Just happened to me. My heart sank when I realized what just happened. I already miss my loot chance, but now I lose my crew to?

When we hit rescue, we intend to fight the pirate. For no reason would we enter, then just decide we don't want to fight. It should be a fight to the death with no way out. The rest of the mechanic is overly punishing, (can't ransom after accidently leaving although we would be happy to) so I don't think a mandatory fight to the death is a problem, if it avoids this frustration.

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