Blightheart scarab rewards feel inconsistent and should be buffed

So I decided to try giving the Blightheart scarab a go for my atlas mapping strategy. The biggest thing I've noticed is that the rewards with this scarab are incredibly inconsistent depending on what the reward type is on the chest.

Let me give you an example:

I have all passives allocated on the atlas tree. In a T16 map, I can complete a blight and get a chest that drops 13 stacked deck. A second map has a blight with fragments and I get maybe 10 varied sacrifice fragments. In another map, I might get a chest that dropped maybe 4 chaos plus a handful of bubblegum currency. Finally I run a map and suddenly I'm getting hundreds of oils that, when traded up in the vendor, are worth tens more chaos than anything I've gotten previously, plus some other valuable variants like gold and silver oil.

And then you get chests which drop exclusively weapons, jewelry, and armor. Using a "very strict" filter, these chest drop absolutely nothing worth even looking at, suggesting they are just your bog standard rare items nobody cares about.

This is consistent across the 40 maps I've run so far using this scarab. Oils drop anything worth anything, but the other reward chests drop almost nothing.

Now I know this is just RNG, but it feels like if you get any chest that doesn't turn out to be a blight reward, you might as well have failed the encounter entirely. Thus, I think the scarab reward should be buffed. Make weapons/armor/jewelry chests drop fractured items, for example. Make divination chests drop cards of higher value on top of the stacked decks.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last bumped on Aug 18, 2024, 7:02:35 PM
Agreed, I did a lot of blight this league and experimented with the different nodes and scarabs. With this scarab I actually had my profit cut in less than half what it would normally be. The best drop I got from it was something like 10 stacked decks, which isn't even good anymore since - idk if this is just my experience but - hardly anything good comes out of stacked decks anymore. I opened all 10 and my filter left all of them out except 1 x The Patient which is like 10 or 20c.

On a normal blight with normal chests I'll get more than that just from blighted maps and some oils.

This scarab is absolutely terrible tbh, I stopped using it after 10 blights or so.
I really like the idea of this scarab and combined with the titanic scarabs can have a big loot explosion but it makes the blight bosses so impossibly tanky. The blight scarabs also are some of the few that have actual downsides to them. Harbinger/Ambush just make the mechanic better where blooming for example makes the bosses stronger.

I feel like blightheart should guarantee at least SOME blight drop rolls on top of the chest type it chooses. I have gone about 43 maps now without a blight reward and the last one I got dropped 9 blight maps but 5 of them were below tier 11. Blightheart CAN hit very well but its so few and far between that the profit/hr takes a massive dip for nothing.

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