QoL suggestions

Auto grouping loot.
There's a couple of ways to doing this. Whether it's a local thing (in the map) or globally after map completion/portal limit. For the local method, if there is loot within 10 meters of each other. Group them to save screen space. As far as globally goes. Have all the loot, like kings march shipping rewards, organized in a chest for people to scroll through. Similar to D4 forgotten loot feature with their stash.

Blight map stash.
Can cassia have a stash option while in blighted maps? We get so much loot that even 5 portals isn't enough sometimes. It gives blighted maps an increase in profit per hour as well. Very slight but very noticeable with nice QoL.

Why do we have to walk toward the gold to pick it up?! We already have to pick up every transmute, scarabs, maps, portal scrolls?! Please just make it magically go into my pouch.
Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 11:11:58 PM

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