Please let us rebind loot pickup to a keyboard key

I love PoE and have played it a TON. I've generally been able to alleviate a lot of the click pressure from builds by putting main skills on the keyboard. What I haven't been able to do, is to help my hand out when it comes to picking up loot. Over the course of a league, there are tens of thousands of clicks dedicated to picking up loot from the ground. It really adds up. I didn't know there was another option until...

I played Torchlight Infinite and they let you bind a different key to picking up loot. For me, I put it on the A key. I can play that game for long periods of time and never get hand/wrist pain because I'm not clicking at all except for movement.

Just let us rebind the action of left-clicking loot on the ground to a keyboard key. My hand actually hurts from playing PoE for the first time in a long time. I am really going to have to start playing less if my hand doesn't start feeling better. This is a simple change that will benefit a ton of people. I'm pretty sure most people don't know they need or want this, but after playing with it will never be able to go back to how it is.

Please Mark, my hand needs this change!

Thanks for your time!
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 1:52:17 PM
I really really need this, this league, I am noticing that I cannot play poe like I used to, and it is causing immense strain on my body.
Last edited by Penguian on Sep 2, 2024, 10:53:11 PM
If you need to bind a key to left click just use the software for your gaming keyboard, or the program “autohotkey”. Alternately, invest in a vertical mouse like the Logitech Lift which lets your hand rest naturally instead of forced sideways, relieving loads of pressure on tendons and nerves. Game changer for me and and my wife personally.
loudpinks2000 wrote:
If you need to bind a key to left click just use the software for your gaming keyboard, or the program “autohotkey”. Alternately, invest in a vertical mouse like the Logitech Lift which lets your hand rest naturally instead of forced sideways, relieving loads of pressure on tendons and nerves. Game changer for me and and my wife personally.

Damn, my adblockers must be broken to let this logitech ad through.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.

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