Divination Card changes of 3.25

I feel that you made a terrible decision based on the drop changes for divination cards in fact you made ultra rare drops even more rare which is even more a shame if you consider that a lot of the outcomes are used to actually make a proper character build.

For example I try to earn my golem based witch build for which primordial jewels are essential and while you implemented a lot of stuff to support such a build the aquiring of the needed items to do so is now basically undoable for selffound characters.

People might say but you can trade for the stuff if you want.... well because of those changes it is in fact not even possible to do so easely anymore as like before most of the changes were based on divination cards and their outcomes for which the prices now skyrocketed. Not to mention that for selffound characters this is not even an option to begin with.

The main reason for all of this is that you would need part of those items arround the time you start with mapping. Aquiring the power to be able to conquer the maps that finally can drop the needed divinition cards is however absolute imbalanced now not to mention that most of the cards can not drop before you allready beat parts of the endgame!!!! for example the divination card The primordal has an item level of 80 Grotto the only map that can drop this card however has only Item level 77 by default and furthermore it is allready a T11 map to begin with for which a lot of builds would allready need their proper equipment to some extend. To be able to even get the divination cards you would need at least 1 of the 4 voidstones now which mean you need to beat an endgame enemy without the requirements for the build to do so.

This however is not the only backfire for the changes as like mentioned only 1 map now can actually drop the needed divination card you are forced to play those maps over and over again and while it was true beforehand at least you could play different maps like waterways which to be fair have now own drops of those kinds of cards but as well all high level ones that can only drop if they are maps T14+

I do not even get why this change had to be made as the droprates before were allready extremly bad to begin with in all the time I play golem builds now (which by the way does not mean a pure golemancer but an passive buff based chaos witch) I found only arround 5 to 6 stacks of the primordial to begin with and even than I didn't had the luck to actually achieve a full set of the jewels as an outcome and stil miss the most important crimson jewel one and we talk about hundreds of maps I had done on multiple characters over the time.

If anything I would argue you should at least lower the divination card droplevels for the basic version of those items to make sure it can be aquired by people that need it for a proper build. Like mentioned before the dropchances are extremly low allready to begin with.

This is also true for other builds that require certain divination card rewards which now are basically out of comission.
Last bumped on Aug 25, 2024, 12:12:03 PM
i agree with everything you said. div card changes are bad.

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