T17 Maps.............

I really dont know why this kind of absolut Bull..t stay in the Game.

Where is the Fun when you must reroll endless to delete all the complete shit no one can run in the Game?
Please dont understand me wrong, i like the idea to do any between Normal and Uber but really? such a shit? How many player like this kind of rolling/playing this T17 Maps?
Were these just designed to annoy the players? Shouldn't a game be fun and not put players in a bad mood?

I love this game and play it almost every day, but since Poe 2 was announced, Poe1 has been going downhill.
Way too many nerfs in my opinion. Build variety is getting smaller and smaller. Best example Righteous Fire...
A Nerf to Righteous Fire? Hello? In what way was this skill overpowered in order to subject it to a nerf and unfortunately this is just an example.

Sorry, I had to write out my frustration. I should actually be in a good mood because I got two apothecarys today. It disappeared when I wanted to complete the “Nightmarish Nemeses” challenge

But there is still a positive thing to mention, I like the way in the game of having to collect gold for something because it makes the map a little more attractive again, even if you don't get the best loot in the maps. I hope one or the other already has an idea to perhaps implement the gold thing into the game.

Now that everything is written out, I'm feeling a little better :-P
Happy grinding and gl@ll

Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 9:24:47 PM
It was universally agreed last league that t17s were bad for the game.
They restricted build diversity, the huge amount of fomo, the map slot locked behind killing a boss.
I don't know what the stats were for the population unlocking the 5th slot, but I can only guess it was low.
I was hyped for this league, easier t17s, hopefully enabling build diversity.
Sadly I have been disappointed, they are still harder than ubers content.
They are still only accessible by a small amounts of builds.

GGG put out an announcement "The first problem it causes is that it makes all players who aren't playing this specific build feel like they now MUST play it in order to be on par with other players, this heavily restricts your freedom to play the build you want, and forces you into playing a build out of obligation of having a competitive economic advantage."

Meanwhile t17s exist... no freedom to play the build you want.
Jixa87 wrote:
It was universally agreed last league that t17s were bad for the game.
They restricted build diversity, the huge amount of fomo, the map slot locked behind killing a boss.
I don't know what the stats were for the population unlocking the 5th slot, but I can only guess it was low.
I was hyped for this league, easier t17s, hopefully enabling build diversity.
Sadly I have been disappointed, they are still harder than ubers content.
They are still only accessible by a small amounts of builds.

GGG put out an announcement "The first problem it causes is that it makes all players who aren't playing this specific build feel like they now MUST play it in order to be on par with other players, this heavily restricts your freedom to play the build you want, and forces you into playing a build out of obligation of having a competitive economic advantage."

Meanwhile t17s exist... no freedom to play the build you want.

Okay this is so amazingly wrong. This is entire character building problems on the players part at this point. They are so stupidly easy now compared to before.

Bro im on an absolute rare stacking, missing an entire support of damage, slam build with a whopping 1.5 attack rate. And clear them just fine, even boosting them to 250% quant.

I dont even need or have suppression either. Whopping sub 20div into the build and I throw most of it off for rarity gear.

If you cannot do them, put in a disection scarab until your build is ready. They are so approachable this league its not even funny.

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
Bro im on an absolute rare stacking, missing an entire support of damage, slam build with a whopping 1.5 attack rate. And clear them just fine, even boosting them to 250% quant.

I dont even need or have suppression either. Whopping sub 20div into the build and I throw most of it off for rarity gear.

Right, my apologies for not playing your build. It seems strong.
I've spent multitudes of divs into my build, multitudes of divs into my partners build and neither of us can clear t17s.

I now feel forced to MUST play your build in order to be on par with other players, like yourself. Maybe they should emergency nerf your build if it's that strong?
Otherwise, why isn't everyone playing that and not what they want to be playing.
Which is the point i'm trying to make.
Mashgesture wrote:
Jixa87 wrote:
It was universally agreed last league that t17s were bad for the game.
They restricted build diversity, the huge amount of fomo, the map slot locked behind killing a boss.
I don't know what the stats were for the population unlocking the 5th slot, but I can only guess it was low.
I was hyped for this league, easier t17s, hopefully enabling build diversity.
Sadly I have been disappointed, they are still harder than ubers content.
They are still only accessible by a small amounts of builds.

GGG put out an announcement "The first problem it causes is that it makes all players who aren't playing this specific build feel like they now MUST play it in order to be on par with other players, this heavily restricts your freedom to play the build you want, and forces you into playing a build out of obligation of having a competitive economic advantage."

Meanwhile t17s exist... no freedom to play the build you want.

Okay this is so amazingly wrong. This is entire character building problems on the players part at this point. They are so stupidly easy now compared to before.

Bro im on an absolute rare stacking, missing an entire support of damage, slam build with a whopping 1.5 attack rate. And clear them just fine, even boosting them to 250% quant.

I dont even need or have suppression either. Whopping sub 20div into the build and I throw most of it off for rarity gear.

If you cannot do them, put in a disection scarab until your build is ready. They are so approachable this league its not even funny.

This. I did T17 last league and they were pure cancer, but this league they are moderate difficulty (as a T17 should be) and super fun.

Maybe don't stack every other difficulty passive onto it (like % mods, titanic, etc) and roll them to something your build can do.

If you're lvl 95+ with at least 20-30 div invested and you can't run these, your build might suck. There are a huge number of builds that can clear them compared to last league. My in game friends all play different builds and every one of them can clear them while in Necropolis only 2 of us did (and they had kind of specialized builds).

I'm actually enjoying these a lot and find the difficulty exactly as it should be (except T17 Lycia whom I still find harder than some of the ubers, and maybe T17 Cata as well) for maps that give so much loot.

I really hope GGG doesn't take away fun and rewarding content just cause people can't build a char (or follow a decent build guide).
I tried running them, they are fine. I don't because I hate the endless chaos spam on them but other than that its not the end of the world

Its not the bs we had last league.
Why am I still here
T17s should go away. They have caused too many issues. I think they are still far too difficult for what they were designed to be, a step between t16 and Uber bosses.

Nothing in a t17 map should have more hp or deal more damage than an Uber boss, boy did they mess that up.

They did exactly the opposite of what ggg wants them to do. It didn't matter that c it is better, they still suck.

In general there are to many map mods that disabled builds. The following mods should probably be removed.

Cannot leech
Cannot regenerate
Cannot block/reduced armor
No auras
Reflect in any form
Cannot deal damage.
Reduced/ no area of effect
Reduced spell suppression effectiveness

I could go on...
roundishcap wrote:
T17s should go away. They have caused too many issues. I think they are still far too difficult for what they were designed to be, a step between t16 and Uber bosses.

Nothing in a t17 map should have more hp or deal more damage than an Uber boss, boy did they mess that up.

They did exactly the opposite of what ggg wants them to do. It didn't matter that c it is better, they still suck.

In general there are to many map mods that disabled builds. The following mods should probably be removed.

Cannot leech
Cannot regenerate
Cannot block/reduced armor
No auras
Reflect in any form
Cannot deal damage.
Reduced/ no area of effect
Reduced spell suppression effectiveness

I could go on...

Fortunately, nothing in t17 deals more damage than ubers :) Just put some work in your build so you wouldn't be countered by every single mod possible.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 11, 2024, 9:17:44 PM
Jixa87 wrote:

Right, my apologies for not playing your build. It seems strong.
I've spent multitudes of divs into my build, multitudes of divs into my partners build and neither of us can clear t17s.

I now feel forced to MUST play your build in order to be on par with other players, like yourself. Maybe they should emergency nerf your build if it's that strong?
Otherwise, why isn't everyone playing that and not what they want to be playing.
Which is the point i'm trying to make.

That is not how you read that at all. No

And you are gonna be very hard pressed to get anyone behind thinking Earthshatter is OP good lord.

Taking just a quick peek at your ... SRS transfigured life scaling minion instability build.

Im not sure what spectres you are running but it wouldnt matter on Judgmental spirit for ES because you are running battery....

Im guessing you have warlord at least for endurance charges but...

Your defenses are absolute dog regardless. I cant even give you fort because you dont have an AG.

You have a whopping 12k armour WITH determination AND flasks up.
You have negative chaos res.
You do NOT have cap block or spell block WITH Rumi's.
You dont have any suppression

It seems like you frontloaded a bunch of damage scaling but your character is made of paper.

On a summoner of all things.

You have to really try to make a summoner squishy. And I have played SRS now for 3 or 4 leagues. I am more tanky than this in yellow maps.

And yes I believe you spent multitudes of divs on this build. Incorrectly I would say. And yes, your t17 problems are .... 1000000% due to the build you are... trying to run in them.

All to say, I am not trying to take anything away from how you want to build this thing. Just know its effecting how you can even accomplish t17s if you were to even attempt them on this build.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 11, 2024, 9:26:35 PM

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