Tormented spirit buffs are too dangerous with map mods

Tormented spirits are extremely rippy.

They give way too many stats when combined with map modifier that disables a build from canceling them out. Can you all at least make sure the wiki is up to date on what they actually do because the modlist starts with this information may not be accurate.

For example rogue's grip with monsters action speed can't be lowered.

or any -max res and like any elemental tormented spirit.

I wish I could remove them from my atlas, but for some reason they are *required* to be in my maps. In my opinion they are as lame as maven summoning the bosses with corpse explosion into my maps. I have a list of spirits that I don't mess with because it just isn't worth it. I don't want to do with pinnacle boss damage and hp on rare monsters for a measly quant/rarity bonus. It feels stupid.

In the campaign it feels ok, but once maps start turning off parts of your build while tripling or quadrupling monster damage, it doesn't feel ok to have such massive mods randomly appear.

At least they aren't in addition to necropolis mods.

Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 7:52:18 AM
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