Blighted maps need improvement

teal oils make blighted maps too laggy.

please fix it, thx.
This account is only for feedback and suggestions.
Last bumped on Aug 14, 2024, 10:57:39 PM
plz do something.
This account is only for feedback and suggestions.
The whole blight mechanic is laggy in general not just teal.

Not really sure how they would approach it as its not really blight specifically that causes it, but just the amount of crap happening on screen.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Mashgesture wrote:
The whole blight mechanic is laggy in general not just teal.

Not really sure how they would approach it as its not really blight specifically that causes it, but just the amount of crap happening on screen.

I could suggest buffing some towers to be more viable options for CC. As it stands, stun tower is the most powerful CC in blight, and it's well known by now how badly it slows down the game when the seismic impacts hit multiple enemies multiple times. The stone gaze tower has less of a performance drag, but it has glaring weaknesses which give the enemy waves opportunity to push forward. That tower could be buffed to have less cooldown or faster petrify time. This is just one example. The chill, freeze bolt, and glacial cage towers could be looked at for buffs, and possibly make it so bosses aren't implicitly cold immune such as the goatman boss unless they spawned from a portal that causes it.

And before anyone comes in and suggests you could use an empowering tower or ring anoint to buff the stone gaze tower: Stun tower doesn't need either, and only gets more powerful with them, so you're still better off with it over stone gaze.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Aug 13, 2024, 11:28:08 AM
There is so much overstuff in a Blight that you have no idea what is going on in the screen and make the CPU burn, when it is not unplayable due to fps drop.

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