[PS5] Eldritch altar map boss mode error?

I gained a map boss altar during a Sepulchre map. Gladiator- main skill splitting steel, did used culling strike on my leap slam but item drop vanished(never dropped). Maybe due to phase shifting between 2forms?(the altar buffs only one form?) Other items dropped fine.

Altar stat.
189% increased armour
161% increased evasion rating
Nearby enemies are hindered, with40% reduced movement speed
Final boss drops 3 additional lesser eldritch embers
Final boss drops 4 additional Vaal ords

Bug reference # 3281026759
Settler league
Ign: Settled_Exile
Around 12am. August 11,2024 Eastern USA. Texas gateway.
Last edited by Maeumdaelu on Aug 11, 2024, 12:34:32 AM
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2024, 11:10:50 PM

3.25.1 pre-view patch fixes it.

Fixed a bug where the Sepulchre Map Boss, Doedre the Defiler, would fail to drop guaranteed rewards after being killed in her second form.

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