Thank you, GGG, for fixing Dervish!

I suspect you must get a lot of "omg there's a fire!" and not a lot of "thanks for putting it out!", and as someone who has been in the former category it's time to take my turn in the latter. It can't be easy managing such a massive code base, and things are bound to break from time to time.

Thank you so much, folks at Grinding Gear, for promptly recognizing the issue with Dervish and fixing it! It's so nice to be able to play the game again. Even amongst other triage issues like Mac client unable to patch, you still found time to get fans of this build back online. Pat yourselves on the back. Job well done.
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 7:15:15 PM
Here's my problem with offering praise for something like this:

Think about what prompted it. They specifically targeted Dervish for a rework in the first place. Which means they devoted development time and talent on ONLY making Dervish work better. And they screwed it up three times in a row. First, on the original design overlooking how broken it was, then on the rework, and then it simply didn't work at all on rollout. can give them kudos for putting out the fire. But would you congratulate someone for putting out a fire after they themselves lit the curtains in the first place? Or congratulated someone for cleaning up a spill that they themselves spilled?

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Last edited by Whai_GGG on Aug 10, 2024, 10:32:20 PM

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