Way too many mobs in the game with mana burn.

Do we really need every mob to have mana burn? Cause that is what it feels like. So boring. Run from circle, ice crash, run from circle, ice crash. Makes really boring gameplay for melee. Flow ruined every time. Melee has enough issues being melee. Why continue to punish us? The last 3 leagues feels like mana burn has tripled in game.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Aug 10, 2024, 1:42:16 PM
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 8:01:00 PM
The "mana burn mob" (aka Mana Siphoner) favours melee and punishes casters.
If you're in melee of the mob it does absolutely nothing. You need to move away from it and into the blue "belt" surrounding it, for it to do anything to you.

If you're constantly moving from it as a melee, you're just not understanding the affix, or perhaps lack the defenses to stay in melee (which has never been easier to attain than currently).

I suspect "Ice Circle" is Ice Prison which again is desgined to be dangerours to casters, not to melee which WANTS to be near their target. If you need to get out of it quick (due to area denial) any teleportation (frostblink etc.) or phasing (easily attainable by most melee builds) will get the trick done.

Not sure how either of these can pose an issue to melee as you try to describe.
Get closer gotcha, thanks.
HeroEvermore wrote:
Get closer gotcha, thanks.

He's not wrong.....you were the one who described how you play around these monsters in the first post, which is exactly the opposite of how melee interacts with them. You DON'T run from the circle, ever. You DON'T run from ice prisons, ever. They are actually incredibly helpful to directing you to the strongest monster as a melee fighter and keeping you OUT of their effects.

The second a mana burn circle pops up on your screen, you dash right into the middle of it and you kill the monster. It shouldn't really even touch you as melee. It's basically a melee-designed bullseye.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 10, 2024, 7:09:00 PM
You're meant to go INTO the eye not fucking run from it what are you doing?
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You're meant to go INTO the eye not fucking run from it what are you doing?

Blue scary. Prefer to walk on red things. /dies

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