[Suggestion] Currency Exchange Improvements

Currency Exchange is for me and my playstyle the best thing to happen to PoE in years. It removes a lot of what feels like pointless frustration.

Some context here: I have always played SSF and I am in the subset of SSF players who play not for the "extra challenge" but because interacting with classic trade is just so tedious and frustrating it's just not something I would ever choose to do on a Tuesday evening.

It also seems to me that a significant amount of drama is associated with trade and trading which is again something I want no part of during my leisure time.

Also note that I appreciate that nobody wants "Path of Trading" and there is a need for caution in this area for the health of the game and the economy and these suggestions are aimed at improving utility rather than making gearing and item acquisition super efficient.

All that being said, I would suggest the following changes:

Add Transfigured Gems

Chain running Normal lab to get the one you want is just not an enjoyable thing.

Trade Improvements

If I want to buy, say, Divine for Chaos then after I enter the two sides of the trade pair display the stock currently available at the best ratio.

If I then ctrl-click the Divine side of this it would then create a buy order for the confirmed number of Divines at that price up to the available volume. Possibly with a confirmation as it would be, by definition, immediately filled.

This supports the most useful function of the market in the easiest possible way. Traditionally in financial markets we would say "Hit the Bid or Lift the Offer" and is the classic way to get the stuff you must have today as long as there is an acceptable price.

If I miss the trade (i.e. someone else beat me to it) my trade is cancelled.

(If there is already a way to do this with some form of clicking on the UI then somebody please let me know).

Market Making

Provide some incentive for creating a market for currency pairs that have no liquidity.

For example, if you place an order to sell a pair with no stock then if your order is filled you get some kind of kick back. That could be a refund of your gold (probably not enough incentive) or some percentage of your side of the trade.

e.g. I am the only person selling, say, Instilling Orbs for Alchemy Orbs and I sell 10 Alchs worth I might get 11 Alchs instead of 10.

Just my 2c. Please don't flame me if you think all this sounds terrible :-)
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 12:49:33 PM

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