Save Stats for Stat MTX


while I like the stats MTX (still please do ALWAYS collect stats even if MTX is not equipped and show the stats in the "Extra Effect"-Folder as described here: ) the problem with them is that we actively need to delete the saved stats, which makes no sense.
Please do NOT have us delete the stats each new league, please do save them per league and let us switch between all leagues and let us link them.
We statistics lovers feel blessed to finally be able to see these stats and wish for many more but having to delete them every few months hurts.
It even more hurts if you forget, like me, to take a screenshot of the final stats.

If you absolutely do not want that ingame, at least give us a private statistics page on our profile where we can review all stats and at least externally show by screenshotting them.

Please. Don't let a good feature be bad because we have to delete our hard work.

thank you
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
Last bumped on Aug 20, 2024, 9:26:57 AM

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