New Stash Tab idea - Progression Planner (Or whatever you want to name it)

The idea is a stash tab that looks like the players inventory, with it you can place in items that you own or "virtual items" that you do not own but plan buy or create to put into that character as you progress through he acts.

In the character tab it has multiple tabs for acts (1-10 - Maybe final build tab option). With in the acts tab is a blank character layout that looks like your normal character inventory but in the stash box, (maybe if you place items into act 1 tab it will be cloned into all other acts tabs but not replace lower act tab if you edit act at higher levels and so on, so you do not have to keep placing items into the next tab act that do not need to be replaced).

There should also be a section in the character planer for the gems for each that you plan to use. Maybe just slotted into the gear like normal gems or a section where you can easily grab them below the character layout.

Also keep the swap gear option like in the normal character sheet in case the build requires swapping of two sets.

I got the idea by the build planer that people are sharing with the codes to their build, in it you see the gear that the character is using and gems. You could add in an option to import the build code to automatically fill in the suggested gear (as virtual gear if you do not own it - if you own it could be pulled from your inventory into the build planner).

You could also have a suggested level shown in each act tab and then show based on the gear and gems into the act tabs character layout what the actual level you would need to be to equip all of that tabs items.

The purpose of this stash is to have the gear and gems there for you to easily grab as you are progressing through out the game.

This build planner idea does not take into consideration the perks trees layout, just the items you plan to use throughout the acts as a quick way to grab gear as you are leveling.
HaHaHa - YES!
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 3:03:52 AM

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