Minions (In)visibility

Please add posibility to switch off partialy visibility for minions because in this league we have much more minions that couse problem (like corpses with Affliction league) for another ppl and for boss fight where much more imortant is to see what lie on the ground and movement to avoid some attack. I have around 80 minions so my frient don't want play with me and myself i have sometimes problem in some cases. Thanks for readind this and I hope this will be add to list in QOL. Best Reagrds
Last bumped on Aug 9, 2024, 10:47:33 AM
pick a build that uses less minions -> profit.

Screen clutter is a legitimate downside to using a build that creates an army.
Yes of course. And build zoomancer is build to delete and mtx for minion is not worth spending money. Sure. Let's delete many minion build and play only few small minion. Thats is answer.
No one said you needed to delete anything,
But if you are choosing a build with 80 entities you really cannot act all surprised when your mates complain about the screen clutter.

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