Longevity and re-playability of 3.25's league mechanic


I want to start by acknowledging the effort put into patch 3.25; it's clear that a lot of thought went into it.

However, I find the league mechanic's encounters in maps to be quite underwhelming. Personally, I'm not interested in a town builder/simulator where I'm queueing NPCs to run maps, sending shipments, and waiting for 30 minutes to 3+ hours.

For me, the best leagues are those that transform the mapping gameplay, like Affliction did. Unfortunately, 3.25 doesn't offer much in that regard, and there's currently little distinction between playing in the League vs playing in Standard, leading to a feeling of burnout.

Additionally, there is a noticeable lack of "borrowed power" or highly appealing uniques, like "That Which Was Taken." This makes me question the value of farming 200+ div for items like Nimis and Headhunter in the League when I can just use them in Standard, alongside my powerful TWWT, overpowered weapons, and other valuable items from previous leagues.

Also, while I understand that loot drops needed adjustment from leagues like Affliction, the current rewards feel severely diminished, particularly for those not interested in running T17s.

I'm aware that there may be limited options to address this, and much like Necropolis was for me, 3.25 might become a waiting period until 3.26 aligns better with my playstyle.

As a loyal player, my spending history reflects my preferences—Affliction was where I spent the most, while Necropolis and 3.25 have not inspired any purchases, and I'm not planning to change that at the moment.

On a positive note, there are some fantastic elements in 3.25, such as the currency exchange, and I'm really enjoying the changes to Gladiator. Thank you for those improvements!

Path of Exile is still my go-to game, so I'll be sticking around. I just wish it didn't feel like I was playing Standard with a town builder/simulator added.

Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 4:23:40 PM
corosou wrote:

Additionally, there is a noticeable lack of "borrowed power" or highly appealing uniques, like "That Which Was Taken." This makes me question the value of farming 200+ div for items like Nimis and Headhunter in the League when I can just use them in Standard, alongside my powerful TWWT, overpowered weapons, and other valuable items from previous leagues.

Runesmithing offers you literally crazy amount of power, what are you even talking about? Even without all the legacy stuff you're still able to get way too much player power to just destroy the entire game content with ease.


Also, while I understand that loot drops needed adjustment from leagues like Affliction, the current rewards feel severely diminished, particularly for those not interested in running T17s.

Loot is just back in a normal state like it used to be.
Leagues like necropolis with the extra juice and extreme exceptions like the affliction abomination of 20d per maps is just what spoiled players too much to the point that they dislike going back to a normal league.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 8, 2024, 2:37:53 PM
Runesmithing offers you literally crazy amount of power, what are you even talking about? Even without all the legacy stuff you're still able to get way too much player power to just destroy the entire game content with ease.

Runesmithing is DOA as it forces you to use a rare weapon if you want to use anything fancy. The mechanic is completely irrelevant for any build that wants to use a unique weapon.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Pashid wrote:

Loot is just back in a normal state like it used to be.
Leagues like necropolis with the extra juice and extreme exceptions like the affliction abomination of 20d per maps is just what spoiled players too much to the point that they dislike going back to a normal league.

I had already acknowledged loot needed adjustment, but GGG didn't need to use the "nuclear option" doing so.

Ydoum wrote:
Runesmithing is DOA as it forces you to use a rare weapon if you want to use anything fancy. The mechanic is completely irrelevant for any build that wants to use a unique weapon.

Exactly! Thank you very much.

For example, I am doing Max Block Gladiator, taking advantage of Dual-Wielding Block with:

There's no alternative to do this except this Unique weapon.

It's incredibly unfair that just because I choose to use a Unique weapon I am somehow punished...

To add to the unfairness, I can't bring my Replica Wings above 20% Quality anymore, because the 30% Corrupted Beast craft was removed. Yes, there are some Unique weapons with higher than 20% quality, but I don't think that's possible with a weapon that comes from Heist.
Last edited by corosou on Aug 8, 2024, 4:44:36 PM

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