Settlers of Kalguur CORE

GGG please.

Settlers of Kalguur is the best season POE has had yet for SSF.
The town management and activities it provides is so good adds so much to the game it's personally the best addition to the game in over a decade (aside adding SSF that was the best).

I'd say remove Incursion from being core that's imo the worst one i really disliked the mechanic of it whenever i see alva in my map i get tilted.


Removing Ultimatum that one is also a bad addition to the game the mechanic of it is just too hard very rippy and the reward is meh. Replacing the Ultimatum nodes with settlers of kalguur nodes instead for the ores and gold reward on map completions etc would do nicely there.

As for the league itself , the runesmithing cost of runes needs to seriously be toned down or the ship giving way more runes than they currently giving.
As a SSF some recipe requires me above x50 runes, it better be my best rolled weapon i put it on cuz thats a 1 shot for sure to get that many , it's at least 2-3 weeks of boat grind to get that many runes.

Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 11:43:12 AM
By your logic GGG needs to remove the stuff you don't like, regardless if other people like it, to make the game better for you.

Not to mention, as it's been proven so many times before, a SSF player will always make sure you know they are SSF, because reasons.
SSF is a choice. Play another mode if it doesn't work for you.
what are these logics, it's a game mode , yes it's a choice.

Trade league is boring imo there's no fullfillment in getting something nice for yourself or grinding for something specific, it's just "oh look i got a divine orb lemme buy my gear!"

If you don't like SSF or don't have time for SSF then don't play SSF.

Settlers of Kalguur is a great addition to SSF for sure. It's also a nice addition for Trade league with the currency exchange.

I don't get why you guys are hating?

By your logic GGG needs to remove the stuff you don't like, regardless if other people like it, to make the game better for you.

Is ultimatum or incursion really adding that much quality to the game?
Ultimatum league itself was interesting, as a core idk... i've always skipped this encounter too rippy for the reward.

as for incursion too tedious to manage the temple more often then not feels like a waste of time.

i'm obviously no expert in those since i don't run them, maybe for trade league it's nice.

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