Badly optimized skill effects MTX

I'm playing Icenova/frostbolt and since the original skill effect makes my GPU jumps to 150W of power usage, and the heat that comes with it, so I decided to try some of the MTX for the skill.

Sadly some of the effects I bought behave worse than the original effects, some even going up to 200W of GPU usage with the FPS lowering to 20FPS. The only skill effect I found that's easy on the GPU is the Ice Nova water effect that's only available in the ingame MTX shop.

My point is; can we get some optimisation for skill effects MTX and MTX in general. It's not really appealing to buy effects if they behave worse than the default skill effects.

Here some exemples for the Ice Nova/Frostbolt combo,
power usage and FPS top left of the screenshot:

Ice Nova: Default skill effect
FrostBolt: Default skill effect

Ice Nova: Water Nova skill effect
FrostBolt: Default skill effect

Ice Nova: Default skill effect
FrostBolt: Black Hole Frostbolt Effect

Ice Nova: Water Nova skill effect
FrostBolt: Black Hole Frostbolt Effect

Ice Nova: Arctic Nova skill effect
FrostBolt: Default skill effect

Ice Nova: Arctic Nova skill effect
FrostBolt: Black Hole Frostbolt Effect

Last edited by Silverpelt on Aug 8, 2024, 12:02:21 PM
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2024, 7:35:41 PM

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