Soul Eater

Out of all the mechanics in this game, the one that pisses me off the most and is the least fun to play against is soul eater. Because on monsters it's seemingly permanent.

Get rid or nerf the crap out of this BS monster mod. At least put a duration on it.

It took me four tries to beat Burial Chambers cuz I probably suck, but its indicative of the problem with this game and what makes it not very fun and inevitably makes me quit every league.

Normal Monsters - Die instantly.
Magic Monsters - Die in about 1 second.
Random Rares - Die in about 1-2 secs.
Essence Rares - Can take all six of my portals with the wrong mods.
Soul Eater - Can take 10-20 mins to beat one mob and can def take all your portals.

How about maybe even things out a little?

Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 1:12:16 AM
Its a garbage buff that needs to be removed.
At least cap the maximum souls they can get
"I'm programmed to say something that is kind and uplifting at this point, but there is apparently an error that is working in my favor."
They must have duration like players, not infinite power
Since the change to souleater, I actually think it's in a good state. Seeing a souleater tag and having to think about which mob to focus on, and when, is an engaging and fun mechanic. The real issue is the interaction with other modifiers like summon minions which removes any strategy on the players part, you just need more dps to trivialize them. The Burial Chambers boss just highlights this problem and it's odd to me they purposfully made her that way.
I've just seen more souleater mobs this league than prior, at least it feels this way. They're not unkillable, and in fact I have a pretty okay time with them even running a minion build that feeds them. But I would love to see a cap, or at least a buff timer that falls off over time so they don't become an invincible speed running, face slashing, ego shredding beast.
FrigidMT wrote:
Since the change to souleater, I actually think it's in a good state. Seeing a souleater tag and having to think about which mob to focus on, and when, is an engaging and fun mechanic. The real issue is the interaction with other modifiers like summon minions which removes any strategy on the players part, you just need more dps to trivialize them. The Burial Chambers boss just highlights this problem and it's odd to me they purposfully made her that way.

This is the most out of touch comment i have read. People dont have issues with soul eater "cause they arent focusing it" they are having issues cause it gets infinite kill potential while being near unkillable. There is nothing to "think" about with soul eater and the fact it can spawn on random mobs in all content is completely out of touch game design.
Playing maps, having a good time, killing monsters...

Oh a tanky rare, let me pop some buffs...

WTF is this mob not dying and somehow has 30 APS?

Ah, soul eater.


Could I skip it? Yes. Is that indicative of lame and bad game design? Yes.

Unless I'm missing something, I don't see the point. AFAIK soul eater does not specially change a mom's drops?

I guess when soul eater is no longer a PITA you know you have enough DPS?
Its not that hard after changes in prev league. If you cannot kill it just take time and wait it will wears off and be simpler.

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