All ports asking for large amounts of Crimson Iron

For about 5 days, I seem to get ALL my ports asking for a lot of Crimson Iron. Every time I fulfill the lowest quota, next quota requires even more Crimson Iron.

At this moment I have:

For Ngakanu I just fulfilled an 120,000 crimson iron quota (24,000 crimson iron bars), now is asking for 180,000.
I need 1mil crimson iron, for current quotas.

I would expect the quotas to be somewhat proportional with the amount of ores we're finding in maps. I'd suggest either don't let all ports ask for same resource at same time, or put a pile of crimson iron in every map.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Aug 6, 2024, 8:21:53 PM
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 11:07:12 PM
This exact problem is still here. I have spent the past week trying to clear all my ports. I stopped running juiced maps and simply ran 300+ maps, each taking 60-90 seconds, just to kill the boss and grab the ore.

I have flipped every single port 3-4 times since then and 80%+ of the time the next order requires Crimson Iron. And Crimson Iron is always, ALWAYS the highest demand.

At this point, fulfilling port orders is totally pointless because I collect millions of crops in the amount of time it takes to collect enough Crimson Iron to find a new crop order to fill.
I have also been stuck for 3 days with all of the ports asking for Verisium. Anyway, GGG really should add in some sort of trade port reroll - this is getting absurd. I hope the developers see this and understand the issue.

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