Drowning Orbs makes looting miserable while adding nothing as a challenge.


I dont have anything to add to title. There is a game tester out there that played T17 s with stop-and-loot mechanics and thought Drowning Orbs are a cool mechanic. Orbs are making everything miserable, and they are not even a challenge. They cannot be countered. They cannot be resisted. It just exists to be pain. I rolled a fantastic map with fantastic mods, quantity, currency drops, and guess what? This abomination also rolled to the map and I didn't want to reroll. Wish I had, because a diviner's strongbox just shit out 191839482398 different cards and I cannot loot it. because a game tester thought this is a fun challenge.

please remove this.
Last edited by canercetin on Aug 6, 2024, 4:37:39 PM
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2024, 7:59:29 PM
That and DD mobs (from Abomination) are the worst mods ive ever seen, not fun at all... It spawn on ur face, you can't see it properly and if like me u play minions it's over. Please GGG if u don't want delete this horrible mechanic make them pop away or give us some time to get out of this shlt
agreed, those orbs can fuck off
I guess we cant roll past mods we cant handle/dont like anymore.

Seeing too many of these threads.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"

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