What have you done to the game? It can't be played.

This league end for me.

Block on spell now do not work,or mobs use that spell this cant block.

I have dmg reduct 90 , all resist 90 , ward 2700 , petrified blood , fleash and stone , and few mobs hit me im dead.

Cyclone nonstop laging , stampede is now dont work with unlimited movement, RF is nerfed up to unconsciousness .

Corrupt blood is now unussable.

How much work can be done in the game to make something that can't be used?

All afk build is broken...

Good job.
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 7:45:49 AM
kenybalboa3 wrote:

I have dmg reduct 90 , all resist 90

No, you don't. Clearly skill issue since you're not only lying about your stats, but have no idea how armor/physdr work.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
A sample of his POB is all it took to see hes lying lol
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
My pob this league i pass it because dont work on maps tier1.Do not splend time anymore with that dont work.

I need afk build because my net is not always good, nad with some pings cant play...

I have on poe 3k hours and this dont work league i must pass
Last edited by kenybalboa3 on Aug 6, 2024, 2:12:09 PM
Play meta, ggg doing focus on this, just make another hexblast sh*t
I dont want build that is meta , and other build is beta. I want play for relax one-two button build and i have bad connection , so after lag i want see my char alive.I play for fun and no for killing engame boss . Because my build always havent dps + def + life + all res + max block + max spell surpressed + max evasion + max ward + max energy shield and all new items ...

How much time is needed to come up with something for the game that is absolutely useless?

Near 90% legendary drop is absolutely useless.

The game becomes cluttered, and despite all the hastily made adjustments, it is broken.

The basic principles don't work, and if a developer wants to prioritize builds that will work for league, they should ban things that don't work in the game.
If game become too annoying for u, just dont play it, i did it with necro league, such disrespectful league with patch of nerfs almost every day, and i quit after 1.5 week
Last edited by Offfit on Aug 7, 2024, 8:42:12 AM
Yes i must leave this game,and wait for mayby better laegue for me, because here is not space for no meta builds.
kenybalboa3 wrote:
Yes i must leave this game,and wait for mayby better laegue for me, because here is not space for no meta builds.

You can play offmeta builds perfectly fine as long as you don't ignore basic rules of character creation. I took Ball Lightning Hiero and Flamewood Totems to 100 last league, in HCSSF no less. Stop trying to find excuses within the game and it will set things into perspective
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Aug 10, 2024, 7:47:08 AM

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