awakened poe

Is using awakened poe (price check program) against the rules and may the account be banned?

Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 5:16:06 AM
Hey lonly_wolf16, in general we don't encourage the creation or use of third-party tools because they provide advantages for players that use them. I'm afraid, due to the dynamics of our policies, we're unable to guarantee if a tool is allowed or would remain allowed in the future.
Need help with anything? Please contact us at for assistance :)
improve the ingame trading experience then
time has moved on and it needs desperate change
people who still use those overlays dont get banned/ is it allowed then or not, make a clear statement
and people who are afraid to use it are in a major disadvantage
trading is a big part in progression
digibluez wrote:
improve the ingame trading experience then

In almost every case trade is fine, it's a player generated issue.

digibluez wrote:
is it allowed then or not, make a clear statement

That is the statement and the only statment you will get.
While certain mods are ok (for now) like awakened PoE it dose not mean that they will stay that way.
Case in point is PoE trade years and years ago now, after an update to the mod something was changed that basically allowed some people to effectively DDoS the trade API, this in turn made trading almost impossible for everyone.
This resulted in a ban wave for everyone that was using it at the time, followed by an investigation to find out what was happening, how it was happening and who was making the problem as bad as it was...turned out it was a few accounts which were perma banned, the rest were un banned.
Since then it has been OK to use and many do so without issue

But this is why you'll see with the "i got ban posts" people mentioning Awakend PoE trade, it's to try misdirect support.

It is also why GGG will NEVER tell you that a mod is OK even if it is, because things change and they WILL NOT be caught out with people regurgitating posts from 10 years ago of them saying that x mod was ok.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
I dont think it is fair not to get a clear message,
because a few outliers abuse the trade system,
to make every one else afraid to have a better trading experience

opinions like " its fine" make changes come worth even slower
sure you can play the game without trade, but you will have a much better
experience if you use every tool available
I do not want to go trade with some one only to be greeted by some trade bot.
People who buy up everything low price, never sell them/answer to PM and profit
specially bad with unique maps

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