Nonsensical Enchantment Balance for Minion Damage

This is a really minor thing, but it's clearly a mistake.

There are two runesmithing enchantments for minion damage on one-handers:

Minions deal (30-39)% increased damage. Costs 45 Life runes. Is available on all one-handed weapons.

Minions deal (20-30)% increased damage if you've hit recently. Costs 50 River runes and 50 Sun runes. Is only available on 3 one-handed weapon types.

The second one is strictly worse, conditional, costs more, and is more restrictive. No one in their right mind would ever use it over the first option.
Last bumped on Aug 10, 2024, 10:54:13 PM
I've been curious about this as well. Half tempted to waste the runes and see if its like a silly stacking buff or something and they forgot to mention it.
the fact that those are the only two options for minions kinds shows you how much thought was thrown in the direction for summoners this league

but hey atleast we got the 3.23 spectres back..
I've had someone absolutely convinced that the more expensive and restrictive mod DEFINITELY acts as a 'more' damage multiplier, but that can't be true if it's worded as 'increased', right?
There's a unique mace that can receive multiple runesmithing enchants, maybe it exists solely to have both at once?

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