Delete green balls to Ritual

In one of the patches they "nerfed the green ritual balls" that still do a lot of damage, not only that but they spawn dozens of them, one hits me and my health drops by 4k...
Last bumped on Aug 17, 2024, 1:17:57 PM
as a "tru melee" enjoyer. i've never like that mechanic even back in affliction.

being forced to deal with it during ritual is the worst.

being forced to run away from actively defending a settler tree is also terrible.

i've blocked ritual from my atlas. and probably its going to stay that way.

as for the tree defence. whenever i see a ton of area denial effects happening, i like to imagine GGG twiddling their thumbs being happy with how melee enjoyers get to enjoy this challenging content.

[Removed by Support]
Still they didnt care in the new patch..

Ritual stays blocked in HC
I try to keep the complaints to a minimum, but I have to aggree on this point.
The green balls spawning in what seems to be about two thirds (going by a feeling, not scientific at all) of rituals, are driving me mad. You can't put your guard/attention down for a second otherwise you're dead. I would never expect to have a ritual ruined by a more annoying version of volatiles, ugh.
Let's hope GGG recognizes these as an issue, even though they have been nerfed already.
Last edited by Heptonius on Aug 8, 2024, 1:22:37 PM

They have to remove it, reduce the damage, less area of effect, less travel range or less amount.

In one map I started the ritual and when I finished clearing the map I started the ritual where the final boss was, when I was about to finish the first ritual and only the boss was left, all the green balls that I was dodging (I'm using flicker strike) gathered on the final boss. In the 4 rituals I died because of that (I don't have time to stop flicker strike and escape) and on top of all this you add a rare monster with the modifier that is an electric girl that follows you, it doesn't help.

I hate all those things that follow you and explode and also the rings that explode when you kill some minions and also the goats that have like a molten shell, which explode when you hit them (I use flicker strke with melee splash and I die instantly).

Yeah they have to heavily nerf them or remove them. Way too deadly
Do it.
+1, worst mechanic since the lightning mirages that spawn inside you.
I agree to remove them. Can't see them, they follow 8+ seconds, lots of them, chaos damage. In ritual they kill me every second time. In reddit some players propose to disable rituals completly. (I guess there is an atles node where you can do this.) This is prove enough for me, that this feature does harm to the game.

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