3.25 Changed how the Passive Tree is loaded into memory - it's Substantially Slower

Whatever was changed, a side-effect is that there is now usually 500 milliseconds of lag when opening the passive skill tree. Close to 1000ms the first time it's loaded in a session, and going down to 250ms on later loads in the same session.

This is the first time this has occurred for me in over 10 years. It has always loaded in 100ms or something. The rest of the game works just fine as usual and looks great.
Character archive: view-thread/963707
HC: 96 RIP
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98
Settlers: 88(retired) 95 92(BPL) 96(Settlers GSF)
Last edited by unsane on Aug 5, 2024, 10:31:24 PM
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2024, 8:12:23 AM
Got the same issue, sometimes it just freezes everything for like 1-4 seconds even :D

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