Kingsmarch Town Progress did not Migrate from SSF to Trade

I recently migrated one of my characters from SSF to Trade league. I ended up with having all my progress in Kingsmarch reset back to zero. I have no gold and all my gear/resources I collected from SSF did not transfer either. The only items that carried over are the ones I was carrying. There are also no “remove-only” tabs. Is there any way I can get that progress transferred, or do I need to start over from scratch?
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 10:20:48 PM
Hey MillesXC44! Did you use the "Migrate All" option in order to migrate your stash and progress? If not, you may wish to try making a new SSF character and using the "Migrate All" option with them. I hope this helps!
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That worked, thank you! I appreciate the quick response!

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