Alternate Skill Gem Access

For SSF and HCSSF races, Alternate Skill Gems seem quite rng. It can be first lab or take a few hours to get the Skill Gem.

Please consider making Alternate Skill Gem acquisition a little more fair for races.

Thank You!
Last edited by Gid_PathofExile on Aug 5, 2024, 8:37:13 AM
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 10:35:32 AM
Personally I just wish they take a league, preferably the next one, to completely remove the lab and replace it and all of its systems with something not tedious and unrewarding.

It has always been one of the features that felt dated a league after it was introduced and has only gotten progressively worse relative to everything else.

The fact that the objective best way to engage with it is.. not engage with it by either skipping it in maps
building a character capable of skipping all of the mechanics in the lab itself\

Is ... just sad ...
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Aug 5, 2024, 10:37:41 AM

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