High hopes for a bad league

Gold is way to unbalanced either forced to run juiced up un fun maps or just map for hours to keep your town going

loot drops where took me 4 days to drop a divine in a map, and basic stuff like chisel's are rare now? make it make sense you nerf loot dropping in maps to force use to do the league mech but then not enough gold to run the town while you have fun doing other things.

the pirates are so rare like taking the ship and town raid ok i can see that rare but the dark knight should hardly be rare at all

ore should be a mandatory 2-3 ores in t16 maps there is just to much demand in ore for town upgrade and shipping to have hardly any ore in a t16 map

you have rune craft with large amounts of runes but without the pirates you can't get high runes decently to craft the skills without paying a arm and leg for them on trade.
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 1:00:00 PM
I hardly agree for the runecrafting, the endgame runecrafting cost so much that you need to buy them on the trade to do it.
Either way then need to increase the drop rate for rune or less cost on the bench.
Over 10 days in this league

I run maps with eater of world altars 200 IQ and more = 0 divine in maps

Strong boxes, 36 chaos investment / maps = 4 chaos loot

League mechanic, shipment value 1 million = 3 chaos (1 hour waiting)

Catarina farm, 10 tries = 2 veiled orbs

I find only nuts, then I cannot finish my build, I'm very disguted of this league
im sitting in tier 16 maps with 0 divine drops and 1 exalt drop this league :))) pure drops should not be this bad

i keep hoping something just went wrong with how loot is being generated due to introduction of gold
cause if they nerfed the base game drops cause league mechanics exist I would judge that as very petty move and arguably quite poor game design decision given how league payouts are time walled

I also hate how ore rng makes you have every other ore deposits but the one type you actually seek :)

Last edited by Bosscannon on Aug 5, 2024, 7:45:34 AM
facts and ggg has said nothing about fixing anything
facts and ggg has said nothing about fixing anything

The past several leagues of nerfs leads me to believe that it's working just as they intended. This is The Vision.

The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
so many people still on 0 divine drops including myself...this might be a bug at this point. this is almost unheard of
Several divine drops here and I got the pilfering ring like 2 days ago let me see how to link it.

Bam 4 raw div drops in 2 days. #nolootleague

Just noticed this thing doesnt track like... half the currency tab what a scam
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 5, 2024, 12:24:55 PM
Bosscannon wrote:
im sitting in tier 16 maps with 0 divine drops and 1 exalt drop this league :))) pure drops should not be this bad

i keep hoping something just went wrong with how loot is being generated due to introduction of gold
cause if they nerfed the base game drops cause league mechanics exist I would judge that as very petty move and arguably quite poor game design decision given how league payouts are time walled

I also hate how ore rng makes you have every other ore deposits but the one type you actually seek :)

"I also hate how ore rng makes you have every other ore deposits but the one type you actually seek :)"

FUCKING!!! YES!!! HOLY FUCK, that shit pisses me off!!

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