Can you guys buff Guardian

Right now, Guardian is the worst Ascendancy class to play, only 0.5% people play it.
Unwavering Crusade need me kill 4 monsters to summon 1 relic, after kill 12 monsters for 3 relic is useless, if I can kill 10%-20% of map monsters, why should i need the buff aura. Also after a few seconds it die, completely can not buff my team.
Unwavering Faith also bad, it need me build up high recovery rate before it work, the map mod a lot of them disable recovery, make it worse
Harmony of purpose, no one play link skill to kill themself
Radiant Crusade this one is good for beginning, is too slow for mapping and why set it 20 sec, not permanent
Guardian overall lack of damage, no minion defense for my minions, does not provide anything for the team also.
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 10:52:37 AM
The Softcore trade league ladder is not a metric of game balance.
you can defuse any argument like that - being true or not. it is a good start to think, tho. ladder tells us that Lightning Strike is completely busted, thus 25% of entire population plays this ranged skill (there is nothing melee about it, the buff it got was 100% unneeded)


Guardian is actually pretty bad IN GENERAL.

it is ascendancy made for form of aurabot'ing/zoomancer'ing - but other classes do that better. some AR/ES (much less valuable thanks to new bases) is neat, but link skills are a complete dud. you either professionally abuse them or not use at all. any form of casual link skill gameplay end with accidental death.

block and healing nodes are fine (the recovery rate makes sense only for 8+ aura setups that - again - work better on other classes anyway)

the giant statue is fine but it is 20sec duration Fortify blessing skill. mechanic that GGG removed for a reason. it is mundane piano nobody likes

relics.. the only offensive node, quite strong (albeit Hatred nerf hurt) that looks much easier to sustain than reality.

it is a perfect donor. hardly any build fits into 4 notables, but you can easily find one that fits great on your Inquis/Hiero.
The softcore trade ladder tells us what is popular, not what is good. Confusing the two is one of the harder noob traps to escape.

The primary driving force for a build being popular in SC Trade is "did a big influencer make or update a guide for this." Which means that yes, sometimes the builds at the top are the ones which are extremely powerful and probably in need of nerf. Archmage Heirophant in this patch is a great example; it's both extremely popular AND it outperforms almost all other builds on a similar budget. But it also means that extremely weak, objectively mediocre builds often get shoved to the top due to community support rather than their own merits. And it also doesn't prove that anything NOT being played is automatically in need of a buff.

Hell, Guardian isn't even close to the least played ascendancy when you switch to looking at the hardcore ladders, which I'd argue means a lot more because bad builds can't deathspam their way to level 90. It's right in the middle of the pack there, which is where I'd put it: solidly average, not in immediate need of any buffs or nerfs.

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